Programming Survey
We are conducting an informal survey on library programming at the Genoa Public Library to help us understand the needs and wants of our community.  All answers are anonymous.

We appreciate you taking the time to complete our survey.

Be sure to stay on top of information at the library!  Follow us on:
Facebook: Genoa Public Library District
Instagram: @genoapubliclibrary
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How often do you go to the Genoa Public Library? *
Have you ever attended a library program at the Genoa Public Library (pre-COVID)? *
As of this moment, do you feel comfortable attending an in-person program inside the library? *
Would mask-wearing requirements or other safety measures stop you from attending in-person programming inside the library? *
What kind of events/programs would you come to at the Genoa Public Library? Check all that apply: *
When is your ideal time to attend adult-focused programming? *
When is your ideal time to attend kid or family-focused programming? *
When is your ideal time to attend teen-focused programming? *
Anything else you'd like us to know? *
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