Team Rohr Powerlifting Questionnaire
Beginning Questionnaire for Team Rohr customized powerlifting training. Please fill this out prior to scheduling a free consultation with one of our coaches.

If you're not ready to fill this out or if you want more information first, please contact us.
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Email *
Name *
Referral Code *
Please select your preference of which coach to work with. *
Date of Birth *
City/State you live in *
Current Bodyweight *
Desired Bodyweight *
If different from current bodyweight
Do you have any injuries/disabilities that might limit you training for powerlifting? *
If you answered "yes" please list and explain here
Please rate your ability to "grind out" weights. *
Do you have the ability to grind out weights (slow) or does it have to be fast in order to finish the lift?
Can Grind
If not fast, I fail
Bench Press
 Where is your sticking point on each lift? *
Where do you fail on each lift if you fail?
Bench Press
Please check all that apply to your squat technique. *
Please check all that apply to your bench technique *
Please check all that apply to your deadlift technique *
Do you have specific days that need to be training days? *
Please check all that apply
How many total days/week can you commit to a training program (with Team Rohr and on your own)? *
If you will be training with Team Rohr in person, which days will that be?
How much time do you have to devote to a training session? *
Number of years lifting *
Number of years competing *
Current Squat Max *
Raw and Equipped (if applicable)
Current Bench Press Max *
Raw and Equipped (if applicable)
Current Deadlift Max *
Raw and Equipped (if applicable)
Personality Test
Please take this free personality test and copy/paste the link to your results below. Please answer honestly as this will help us better understand you as a person, which will help us better understand you as a lifter. 
If training at your own facility (other than Team Rohr's facility), please list your available equipment.
Example: Incline Bench, Dumbbells, Power Cage, Chains, etc.
Please describe any training plans you have followed in the past *
If you've never followed one, please put "none"
How did they work for you & What did you like/dislike about them? *
If not applicable, put "n/a"
When would you like your programming to begin? *
At least 10 days notice is required.
Do you have an upcoming competition? If so, what meet and when is it? Will you be competing raw or equipped? *
If no competition, put "none"
How did you hear about Team Rohr Powerlifting?
Please list any additional comments/info that will help us in designing a program for you
Please post links to any videos of your training or competing that you have available
Prefer Youtube or Instagram
Instagram handle
Cell Phone #
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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