Windhorse Zen Community Membership Form
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Date of Birth
Emergency Contact: Name and Phone Number
Is there anything about you and your background that may be helpful for us to know?
The vitality of our dharma community depends on the support and engagement of its members -- through participation in formal practice, through financial contributions, and through work-service for the center. Do you have any time and/or talents you would be willing to share to help out at Windhorse?
Membership also means contributing, as one is able, to the financial well-being of the center. Windhorse has no endowment, and depends on on-going individual donations to keep the doors open. In general, we ask members to commit to making a regular financial contribution of approximately $40-50 a month.                                                                              Please note: No one at Windhorse receives a salary, and no one has ever been turned away because of a lack of personal resources.                                                                                                        Amount of monthly pledge:                                                                                            
How do you plan to make your contribution?
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How often do you plan on donating?  
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