Facilitator Interest Form - Tantra Speed Date®
Facilitating Tantra Speed Date can be a rich and rewarding experience.  Our facilitators range from seasoned relationship coaches to individuals who had no experience facilitating when they began.  If you'd like to learn more about our training program and the benefits of joining The Tantra Institute as a TSD facilitator, fill out this form and let us know a bit about you.  We'll reach out when we're planning on coming to your city!  Many thanks!
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Full Name *
Date of Birth *
Phone *
Email address *
Where are you located? (City, State & Country) *
Have you attended Tantra Speed Date®, if so, which date and city?
What did you like about the event?
What is your desire in facilitating this event? *
Most events happen on weeknights starting around 6:30-7:30pm and weekends at 2pm or 5:30pm. Are you generally available at these times? *
Please paste in a bio and resume of credentials or relevant experience. *
Link to FB profile: *
Professional Website URL: *
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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