Physio RS
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if cutting of a complete section of brain steam above pons occur this lead to? *
1 ポイント
A person with alveolar hypoventilation has? *
1 ポイント
Concerning the Cheyne-Stokes respiration : *
1 ポイント
 Regarding ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) relationships, which statement is INCORRECT? *
1 ポイント
One is right regarding the ventilation/pulmonary ratio : *
1 ポイント
All the following exert non-chemical influence on respiration except *
1 ポイント
The Hering-Breuer reflexes originate from the : *
1 ポイント
if bilateral vagotomy and damage of pneumotaxic center occur this lead to? *
1 ポイント
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