Teen-Versionary 2021- is FULL Continue to be added to the Wait list.
Welcome to Diversionary Theatre's LGBTQ+Allied Ensemble!

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This summer Diversionary is going to create a theatre event to be performed as part of the Pride Festival 2021 in person!

Teen-Versionary has been around since 2015 and has provided a brave space for LGBTQ+ teens to explore new queer scripted material. This year will be working on a new play by LA based trans playwright Josh Gershick, entitled "Dear One: Love & Longing in MidCentury Queer America" inspired by letters submitted to the nation’s first openly queer publication One Magazine between 1953-1965. The letters have been curated into a beautiful spectrum of voices from our community that will be performed by our LGBTQ+ teen ensemble, and selected LGBTQ elders making it an intergenerational performance. The show is a loving demonstration of the diversity of our community that has long existed and resisted prior to Stonewall.

This is a big commitment. Please only sign up if you are serious about committing to this schedule. It will require you to commit to time outside of rehearsals to memorize and practice. If you are signing up, please put these dates in your calendar, as absences and other conflicts seriously affect this process for everyone. Please let your families know and ask them to avoid scheduling any appointments or events during this rehearsal schedule.

Pending safety and health guidance from the CDC, city, county and state this is our schedule.

Here is a breakdown of our proposed schedule.

Week 1: July 5th-9th: Online rehearsals, 11:00am-12:30pm and 1:00pm-3:00pm (with lunch in between)  
Week 2: July 12th -16th: In person rehearsal. 11:00-3:00 PM (At Saint Paul's Cathedral Hillcrest)

Performances are July 17th at St. Paul's. Two Shows in the afternoon. You will need transportation for this. Carpooling possible depending on the ensemble.

After you register, we will be reaching out to you to arrange an interview with you to get to know you and give you a chance to ask questions. After your interview we will be inviting people to join the ensemble. Thanks for giving yourself the gift of community and creativity. We look forward to connecting with you!

If you have any question, please contact Skyler Sullivan at ssullivan@diversionary.org 
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