#HandsOffCPS Letter Campaign
Hello there! Thanks so much for agreeing to participate in our letter-writing campaign. We've made it super easy to get involved - all you have to do is give us a little information and write a message - we'll take care of the rest! 

We're writing letters to the Embassy of eSwatini in the United States expressing our rage at the arrest of student activist Mvuselelo Mkhabela and the vile repressions against student organizations, labor unions, and political parties (especially the Communist Party). 
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Name *
This is the name we'll write on the envelope of your letter. 
It doesn't necessarily have to be your address, but it does need to be a real address. P.O. boxes work too. If you don't want to give us one, leave it blank and we'll use one of our addresses. This is the return address that will appear on your letter. 
Message *
Use this space to write your letter. 

We shouldn't have to say this, but please don't issue physical threats against the Ambassador of eSwatini. 
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