Bulletin Board Ads Wanted!

Do you want to put something up on the bulletin board? Now you can! Whether your baobear is advertising their new ice cream stand, looking for a beach buddy, or even if they just need to borrow some salt for their watermelon slices, the bulletin board will accept all manners of listings!

  • What is this?
    • Listings are "quests/prompts" you, the player, can put up on this bulletin board. Other members will then be able to complete these in JUNE - JULY. You can submit a maximum of 5 listings. Submitting a listing does NOT guarantee it will be published, nor guarantee that it will be completed by other members.
    • Selected listings will be posted periodically throughout the event. You will not be notified of selection, but you are free to cancel any submissions prior to posting by messaging miya#8888 on discord. 
    • You do not have to pay out rewards to any user. 

  • What do I have to do?
    • The cost to put up a listing is free for one week.
    • Please fill out the form below. You can choose how you want your listing to appear to other users from the selection below. An example listing is provided at the end of this section.

  • Default options (choose 1): 
    • 1 Fullbody or 200 words
    • 2 Fullbody or 400 words 
    • Other requests may include: a picture of an item or scene found in real life, 9 image mood board, 6 song playlist, a limerick, asking players to solve a puzzle (ex. sudoku, crossword, etc.) you made, and so on. We will accept listing submissions outside of the default options, but please be aware these will have a lower rate of acceptance.

  • Premium Listings (add additional requirements to your listings):
    • Add 1 more Fullbody / 100 words (+50 beans to listing fee)
    • Add Pet / 50 words (+50 beans to listing fee)
    • Add Background / 100 words (+50 beans to listing fee)
    • List for 2 weeks (+50 beans to listing fee)

What sort of listings can be put up? All listings must be baobears related. Do not request anything that goes against T.o.S. or anything that may be used to identify personal info, ex. locations, selfies, receipts. You do not need to payout any 'rewards' or seashells, just the listing fee! Players can complete any listing a maximum of one time. Here is an example ad:

  • Title: Spotsy's Swimming Lessons
  • Description: Spotsy is looking for a swimming teacher!
  • Prompt: Draw or write about any baobear teaching Spotsy learning how swim.
  • Requirements: 1 fullbody each of Spotsy and another baobear plus a background, or 500 words
  • Rewards: 6 Seashells
  • Limits: Can be completed once per user
  • Expires: One week from now.
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Your baobears.com username: *
Title of Listing: *
Please limit this to 3-5 words. Titles that are too long may be shortened. 
  • Bao's Sporty Summer
  • Spotsy's Swimming Lessons
  • Rosebeary needs SALT, NOW!!
Description of Listing: *
Please limit this to 2-3 sentences! Ideally, this should be in character.
  • To my fellow baobears, I am currently curating my summer collection and require assistance in filling in the gaps of my photo album.
  • Fashion is my new passion, flowerbud! All the vibrant summer flora has inspired me to start a new collection. To that end, I'm looking for some lovely baobears to help model some of the pieces.
  • Spotsy is looking for a swimming teacher!
Relevant links:
Please insert any relevant links (ex. baobear profiles, images, etc.) here!
Prompt Requirements: *
This will be the 'requirements' section of the listing. You can elect for the 'other' option but please keep in mind it might not be chosen.
[OPTIONAL] Premium Listing:
Please tick these off ONLY if you are purchasing a premium option for your listing! This is completely optional. It is just a currency sink :) Please have all beans on hand at time of submission.
Please leave any comments or questions below!
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