LHS Absence Reporting
  • FULL DAY absences must be reported  in ParentVue (NOT with this form) unless the FULL DAY absence occurred yesterday or within the past 72 hours from today. A FULL DAY absence that is occurring today or will happen in the future must be reported in ParentVue.

  • PARTIAL DAY absences may be reported using this form as long as they are within the past 72 hours from today OR are in the future.

  • Per PPS policy any absence that occurred more than 72 hours ago cannot be reported. 

  • Students MAY NOT excuse themselves from classes, regardless of their age.

  • Athletic absences DO NOT need to be reported, they will be handled by the Athletic Office.

Informe las ausencias actuales o futuras de DÍA COMPLETO en ParentVue. Para todas las demás ausencias, complete este formulario DENTRO de las 72 horas de la ausencia. Los estudiantes NO PUEDEN excusarse de las clases, independientemente de su edad. Las ausencias atléticas NO necesitan ser registradas, serán manejadas por la Oficina Atlética.

请在 ParentVue 上报告当前或即将到来的全天缺勤。对于所有其他缺勤,请在缺勤后 72 小时内填写此表格。无论年龄大小,学生均不得缺课。 运动缺席不需要记录,它们将由运动办公室处理。
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