GET 100%  IN 100 hours
CoinR is a simplified process of cloud mining bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Earn 100% in 100 hours with potential to increase your total earning with  our unique REFERRAL system you earn 5% register now on coinr.ai
EARN FREE BTC (what do you understand about minning btc)
You can earn free BTC by putting the word out,fill out the form below and participate actively in the community and earn 5% Referal Bonus,also earn as much as 0.005 BTC, most top 20 active individuals earn 0.5 btc each,share your referral link on all social media and all platforms,provide proofs and you start earning
Name *
Email *
BTC Address *
COINR Disclaimer
This agreement is between you and the service operator, CoinR. By using any services made available through the coinR website (https://www.coinr.ai), or coinR affiliates, you agree that you have read, understood and accepted all of the terms and conditions contained in this Terms of Use agreement, as well as our Privacy Policy and Consent Form which have incorporated the GDPR regulation. As this is a legally binding contract, please carefully read through this agreement and related notices before using any of our Services. By registering, accessing or using coinR, you have agreed to the terms and conditions as laid out in this User Agreement. Should you disagree to this User Agreement, please proceed to initiate the account lock function (for existing users) and stop the usage of coinr and any of its services.
For more information on coinR, you can refer to the company and license information found on the website. If you have questions regarding this agreement, please feel free to contact coinR for clarification via our Customer Support team.                                                        
Agreement Conditions
CoinR reserves the right to modify or change the terms and conditions of the agreement at any time and at its sole discretion. CoinR will provide notice of these changes by updating the revised Terms of Use on the webpage ( and changing the “[Last revised: ]” date on this page. Any and all modifications or changes to the Terms of Use will be effective immediately upon being announced on the website or released to users. As such, your continued use of coinR’s services acts as acceptance of the amended agreement and rules.
By registering to use a coinR Account, you have affirmed that you are at least 18 years old and are an individual, legal person or other organization with full legal capacity to enter into this User Agreement between you and coinR. If you are not, you and your guardian shall undertake all consequences resulting from your actions and coinR shall have the right to cancel or freeze your account in addition to filing claims against you and your guardian for compensation.
Prohibition of use
By accessing and using coinR and any of its services, you acknowledge and declare that you are not on any trade or economic sanctions lists, such as the United Nations Security Council Sanctions List and its equivalent. coinR maintains the right to select its markets and jurisdictions to operate and may restrict or deny its services to certain countries. The content of this Agreement shall not be excluded from the laws of the country under which the user belongs. coinR maintains its stance that prohibited users are not to use or access coinR and any of its services.                    
Description of services                    
coinR provides an online mining platform (crypto to crypto) for products commonly known as cryptographic tokens, digital tokens or cryptographic currency. coinr does not provide fiat trading capabilities on its platform and as such is not subjected to the stringent regulations that come with it. coinr functions as a mining platform provider and is not a buyer or seller in trades made between traders. Coinr is also not a market maker. Users must register and open an account with coinR and deposit digital assets prior to commencement of trading. users may request the withdrawal of their digital assets, subject to the limitations as stated in the Terms and Conditions.
coinR strives to maintain the accuracy of information posted on its website however it cannot guarantee the accuracy, suitability, reliability, completeness, performance or fitness for purpose of the content through the website, and will not accept liability for any loss or damage that may arise directly or indirectly from the content. Information on coinR website can be subjected to change without notice and is provided for the primary purpose of facilitating users to arrive at independent decisions. coinr does not provide investment or advisory advice and will have no liability for the use or interpretation of information as stated in its website or other communication mediums. All users of coinr must understand that there are risks and difficulties involved in crypto mining . coinR encourages all users to exercise prudence and invest responsibly within their own means.
While coinR emphasises platform security to ensure the continuity and security of its services (announcements will be made in event of downtime/maintenance), it will be non-accountable to Act of God, malicious targeted hacking, terrorist attacks and other unforeseen circumstances. coinr reserves the right to cancel, rollback or block transactions of all type on its platform in event of abnormal transactions.By using coinr and any of its services, you declare that all information to coinr in connection with these Terms are true, accurate and complete.
CoinR Account Registration & Requirements
All users must create a wallet address to begin mining with a Coinr Account before using the site. To register for an account, you must provide your real name, email address and password, as well as accept the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Consent Form. Depending on certain conditions and in our sole discretion, we may refuse to open an account for you.                    
Our policies last 7 days.if 7 days have gone by you haven't made your appeal,unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund.
To be eligible for a refund you must present proof of login details and screenshots of successful deposit on any bitcoin wallet platform.

These conditions apply to all previous donators on coinr, to show transparency and efficiency to all our clients,you are welcome on board.


coinR has implemented a number of security measures to ensure that your information is not lost, abused, or altered. Our data security measures include, but are not limited to: PCI Scanning, Secured Sockets Layered encryption technology, pseudonymisation, internal data access restrictions, and strict physical access controls to buildings & files. Please note that it is impossible to guarantee 100% secure transmission of data over the Internet nor method of electronic storage. As such, we request that you understand the responsibility to independently take safety precautions to protect your own personal information.                    
If you suspect that your personal information has been compromised, especially account and/or password information, please lock your account and contact coinR customer service immediately.                    


We are committed to respecting the freedoms and rights of all our coinR users who have placed their trust in our service. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, or if you would like to file a Data Protection request, please refer to our FAQ and contact us on our Support Page.

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