Ohio Writers' 2022 Survey
Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts. We hope to use these responses to inform this new season at OWA. After responses have been compiled, we will publish a summary on the website. All answers will remain anonymous. This form is divided into three sections. First, we will collect some basic demographic information. Second, we'd love to hear about your writer interests. And finally, we would love to hear what you're looking for in a writer community. Estimated time to complete is 5 minutes (depending on how lengthy your responses are to the open-ended questions).
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Tell Us About You.
1. Are you an OWA member? *
If "no" skip to #4.
2. If you are a member, what level of member are you?
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3. If you are a member, how long have you been a member?
Clear selection
4. Where do you currently live? *
Tell us about your writing.
What is your favorite thing about being a writer?
What do you find most challenging about being a writer?
What is your writing focus? *
Do you prefer to write a specific genre? *
Select all that apply
What are your writerly interests? *
Select all that apply
Tell us about what you're looking for in a writer community.
What is one thing of value that The Ohio Writers’ Association could offer that you would find essential to you as a writer?
What are some aspects that you are looking for in a writing community/group? *
Select all that apply
When it comes to workshops for feedback for your work, would you prefer: *
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