2024 CSAJ Student Survey

Thank you for registering with CSAJ! 

The purpose of this survey is gather Cambodian students who are studying in Japan to join CSAJ as a community to grow and learn together.

Who is eligible for this survey?
✅ All Cambodian students who are currently studying and staying in Japan for a minimum of 6 months are eligible.
✅ All registered Cambodian students who would like to update some information for the year of 2024.
It will take approximately 3 minutes to complete the form. 

※ Important Notice: 
  • After you register and fill our survey, you are a part of CASJ platform and membership fee is free of charge. We are also welcome to join and interact with any activity and event hosted by CSAJ.
  • By filling your information on our survey, we would utilize your data for analysis, sharing relevant information to the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia, update you via email with news and other related information, and using your contact or other related information in the case of emergency only.
  • CSAJ is committed to protect your personal information without violating the rule and regulation of data protection policy.

1. Have you ever registered with us before? *
2. Full Name (English) *
(Family name, given name in English Capital Letter, e.g. CHAN DARA)
3. ឈ្មោះ (ខ្មែរ)​ *
( E.g.  ចាន់​ តារា)​
4. Gender *
5. Age *
(Number, Example: 23)
6. Email Address *
7. Phone Number
8. Date of Arrival in Japan *
(DD/MM/YYYY/ or if you don't remember the day, just MM/YYYY)
9. Prefecture of Residence in Japan *
10. Name of Current (or Expected) University/College/School *
(Example: Chiba University)
11. Field of Study *
(Example: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Business, Japanese Language...)
12. Grade of Study *
13. Expected Year and Month of Graduation *
(MM/YYYY or if you are not sure just the year YYYY)
14. Plan after graduation *
15. Name of Your Scholarship or Sponsor *
16. Home Address in Japan (optional) 
(For mailing purpose and emergency case), written in English or Japanese
17. Comment or suggestion to CSAJ
Connecting with us more!
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/csaj.org/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/csajpage/
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/+edmi4r6uHZU0NmVl 

If you have any questions, please contact us at: csaj.info@gmail.com

Thank you for your cooperation and feel free to connect with us!
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