Recruiting IAESTE 24-25
By filling out this form, you are applying to become a member of a worldwide organization aimed at providing students with technical experience. It just takes a couple of minutes!

When we receive your application, these are the next steps:
1. We invite you to an informal chat about your interests and our offer
2. (Optional) We may invite you to an interview to assess your fit
3. You become an official member and we onboard you to IAESTE

Don't hesitate to reach out via our social media or if you have even the smallest question! 
More information on our website.
Deadline: Sunday May 12, 23:59
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Name *
E-mail *
Faculty *
Year of study (if in-between, select highest)  *
I am interested in (indicative) *
How did you hear about our recruitment? *
Can you tell us in a few sentences why you are interested to join IAESTE? *
I agree that IAESTE Leuven uses the information given above to contact me *
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