CTUIR July Grounds Master Plan Visioning Survey
This survey will consider your input on three separate design schemes:
#1 - Activity Plaza
#2 - Community Hub
#3 - Central Campus
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SCHEME #1 - What do you like about this plan?      The Activity Plaza scheme situates the athletic programs such as the pool, basketball courts, and skate park at the entrance of the site for ease of access. The longhouse is flanked by two open areas which can be used for gatherings, celebrations, and picnics. A large dance Arbor sits North of the longhouse, accompanied by a multi-use amphitheater and seating built into the landscape.
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SCHEME #1 - What are some things you think could improve/things you don’t like about this plan?
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SCHEME #2 - What do you like about this plan?    The Community Hub consolidates Multi-purpose Space, Rec Center, and Senior Center spaces into a single building, where all groups can be in one place to interact and learn from one another. A portion of Confederated Way serves as a walking path which connects to adjacent trails. A large pedestrian boulevard runs through the center of the site, along July Ground Lane, where markets and gatherings can be held. The Longhouse kitchen and restrooms are expanded to help support campers and gatherings at the Arbor.
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SCHEME #2 - What are some things you think could improve/things you don’t like about this plan?
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SCHEME #3 - What do you like about this plan?    The Central Campus scheme aims to situate the Rec Center, Longhouse, Veteran’s Center, Memorial, and Arbor to face into a single shared public space which can be used for gatherings and markets. A portion of Confederated Way is converted into a pedestrian-only walking path which wraps around the southern part of the site and connects to adjacent walking trails. To redirect traffic, July Grounds Lane is redirected behind the Veteran’s center in order to access Confederated Way and a large lot for Longhouse parking.
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SCHEME #3 - What are some things you think could improve/things you don’t like about this plan?
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Rank in order, your favorite schemes.
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