Forest Therapy Group - Grantown Health Woods
Although booking is not essential, it helps to know who is coming - please use this form to let me know if you plan to come along and see you there!
Email *
Please select the date(s) you are able to attend - please attend as many as you can to increase the benefits to yourself from nature therapy: *
How many places would you like to book? *
Please detail the full names of all participants. *
Your contact phone number for the day (mobile is best) *
We finish the session with tea and snacks, please let me know if you have any dietary requirements *
Please let us know of any health issues it would be beneficial for me to be aware of - Grantown Health Woods are very accessible. *
Please let me know if you would like to have a chat before the first session? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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