Digital Law Input Test
Electronic reponsibility for actions and deeds
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What is copyright?  Check all that apply. *
Something must have the © sign to be copyrighted. *
What does the icon below stand for? *
If I am not making money or having commercial gain, it is ok to use images and text. *
It is illegal to download music without paying for it or getting permission from the copyright owner. *
How long in Europe does copyright last? *
Students and teachers can use copyrighted materials for educational purposes with no limits or restrictions. *
Creative Commons licences mean *
Which of the following answers about Creative Commons is False? *
Fair Use is which of the following? *
What is public domain? *
A student is writing a report for science class and uses copyright images downloaded from the Internet and cited correctly. He submits his project to a competition that recognizes classroom work for students and wins a prize for the school. This is covered under fair use. *
Works that are in the public domain belong to everyone and can be freely used without compensating the authors. *
When you put the words of others into your own words you are doing what? *
You do not have to cite the source of information that is considered "common knowledge". *
Quoting directly from a source is acceptable if you __________. *
You are breaking the law if you make films, tv and music available to others on a file sharing network *
Viruses and spyware can be downloaded with files from file sharing networks *
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