In 2017, the Te Aitanga a Mahaki Strategic Plan was confirmed.

The vision for our people is: “Whanau who are Healthy, Wealthy & Wise."

These are the 3 cornerstone pillars of this simple vision for our people. And the platform for delivering our vision is whakapono. Thriving whanau with a ngakau mahaki is the aim.

Last year the vehicle for delivering our strategic plan was confirmed to be our pa kainga or villages - which includes our marae, churches, whanau and wider community. This strategic approach is underpinned by the adage, "it takes a village to raise a child."

The simple aim of Te Aitanga a Mahaki Trust is for our villages to be totally responsible for our whanau within the village.

Ko te kai a te rangatira, he korero - Discussing what works for our whanau

We are seeking YOUR view on how the vision and strategic plan can be achieved for your whanau in your village - and what collectively we can do together across all of our whanau in all of our villages. Receiving YOUR korero by completing this questionnaire, ensures we capture the manawa, whakaaro and mauri of your korero. There is also space for you to offer thoughts over and above the questions we have posed. Kaitakawaenga from your village - like we currently have for housing through Toitu Tairawhiti Housing Limited - will work with me to capture your voice and help me create key themes for your village and the collective villages of Mahaki, including Turanganui a Kiwa. We will present the key themes back to your village in a presentation. We will discuss and seek your validation of your villages' individual themes, and the common themes across all villages. Validation means, "have we captured what your individual voice and our collective voices have said?"

Naturally, we won't be able to include every single comment, however from our shared manawa, whakaaro and mauri the key common themes will emerge. Once we have received the validation from the whanau in your village, the next phase will be to develop a plan of how to achieve the agreed outcomes for your village.

Please answer all of the questions.

Your completed version will come to me and input into a database. I will manage the security of that database. The last day to have a say, is 31 July 2024. 

Please share this questionnaire links to anyone within your village, your marae, your whanau. Please note: if you are helping to capture someone else’s korero, please use the words they use, their exact language and phrases. 

If you have any questions or patai about the questionnaires, please contact your kaitakawaenga:

Te Karaka - Pimia Wehi mokaitkk@gmail.com

Mangatu - Jo Perry ce@ora.org.nz 

Puha - Nicky-Marie Kohere-Smiler nmspeechlanguagetherapy@gmail.com

Waituhi - Libby Te Rauna libby.terauna@hotmail.co.nz 

Patutahi - Angie Hohepa angie@toituhousing.co.nz

Waihirere - Tapeta Wehi t.wehi@thekahaexperience.com

Tarere - Hokinga Wanoa hokinga@trotak.iwi.nz

Jesse Horsfall, 0210508915, jesse@jesse-innovations.com

Email *
Name *
Full address of where you currently live *
Age *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone *

1.  Looking towards 30, 50, or 100 years from now……..

a.  What would your  whanau/hapu/marae/community/village be like?

b. What will it have?

c. Who will be there?

d. How will it be functioning?

e. What activities will there be? (dream big, think big, put down everything that comes to mind – there is no wrong answer).


2.  From your answers from Question 1, if we could collectively work towards making those dreams come true, what would the top 5 priorities be in order be?







3.  Thinking of your dreams for your community, and the priorities you have given, who do you think have key roles to play in helping you and your community achieve those dreams?


4.  Thinking about your dreams for your community, who or what do you currently have in your community or region that are already doing things, or have things in place in order to achieve your dreams (i.e. partnerships, services, buildings…there are no wrong answers).

a.       Who….

b.       What….


5.  When we say “wellbeing for your whanau”, what does that mean to you? 


6.  Are there examples or ideas that you know of right now, or have worked in the past, that you think can help contribute to “wellbeing for your whanau?”


7.  Please leave any comments or additional korero here.

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