L.A. Department of Transportation
CTTC - Citywide Temporary Traffic Control Section (Under 72 hours)
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Initiate a review of your Worksite Traffic Control Plan (WTCP)
Provide us with the required information below and then click 'SUBMIT' at the bottom of this form to complete your submittal.
Primary Contact Information
(Point of contact for revisions and correspondence)
Primary Contact Company Name *
Primary Contact Name *
Primary Contact Phone No. (XXX-XXX-XXXX) *
Primary Contact Email Address *
Client Project Information
(Project identity through Client Project details)
Client Company (if applicable)
Company Project Number
Job Address/Location *
Applicant must apply for a permit from the permitting agency (Bureau of Engineering, Bureau of Street Services or Bureau of Street Lighting) prior to LADOT's review of a Traffic Control Plan. At least one permit application reference number or work order number must be provided. Plans submitted without a permit application will not be accepted for review.
(Provide project information to us help identify your project request)
Permit Application Type *
*Check all permits that apply to your project
Bureau of Engineering (BOE) Permit Application Reference Number
Bureau of Street Services (BSS) Permit Application Reference Number
Building Materials Permit
Other Permit Numbers and Work Order Numbers related to this project
List other Bureau of Engineering/Bureau of Street Services/Bureau of Street Lighting permit reference numbers or work order numbers associated with submitted Traffic Control Plan.
Note:  Processing of your request will not begin until ALL documents are submitted. Email the documents to ladot.cttc@lacity.org within 1 hour of this form submittal.

The subject line of the email must be as follows:

SUBJECT:  Primary Contact Company, Job Location, BSS/BOE Permit Reference Number or Work Order Number

Attach the following documents to your email:

1) Cover Letter
2) BSS/BOE Permit Application
3) Construction/Civil Plan (If applicable)
4) Worksite Traffic Control Plan (WTCP)

I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the procedure of the email submission. *
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