eObjx Premium Demo Request Form
Hi there and thanks for your interest in scheduling a demo with us to learn more about eObjx Premium.

We conduct demos using the free online web screensharing which requires no downloads for you and others to participate.  For best results during the demo, we recommend your use of a hardwired Internet connected computer (not wifi) plus a dedicated phone (for the conference call) and mobile device (for media participation).  

Please know that you may invite others to join the demo but we are limited to 25 participants total for each demo.
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Your Name *
Your Company or Organization
Your Email *
Your Phone
Requested Date for the demo *
We prefer to schedule demos on Fridays during our normal office hours.  Of course we can accommodate other days. Our office is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST
Requested Time Range for the demo *
Our office hours are 8 AM to 5 PM (PST).  A base demo generally runs about 30 minutes so plan your schedule accordingly.  We will advise you of the specific time for your demo in our confirming email.
How many people will be participating in this demo? *
Including yourself, how many people will be participating in this scheduled demo? A maximum of 8 people may participate.  We'll leave it up to you to share the demo info, date and time with the others.
Why are you interested in eObjx? *
Please tell us more about you ... *
To help us better tailor the demo with you, please tell us more about your occupation and how you might use eObjx. For example, you may be  a venue or club owner looking for new ways to engage your guests or an event producer or agency looking for new experiential and environmental tools for attendees.
Please tell us how you heard about eObjx.
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