Gaia Community Financial Commitment 2024-2025
This form is our virtual pledge card for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025. By making a pledge, you can renew your membership in the community and help us to make our budget and pay our bills. Gaia Community runs on contributions from our Members and Friends, so we appreciate you very much!
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メールアドレス *
Your Name *
Your street address *
Your city *
Your zip code *
Your phone number
Your preferred email address
What amount do you pledge in support of the annual operating budget of Gaia Community? This number is the total amount of your pledge for the year 2024-2025.  It may be altered at any time during the year by contacting our treasurer. (Email for more information.) *
Will you pay your pledge: *
Please check the box below to confirm the pledge you are marking. *
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