Do you need help because you've been affected by the Sept 2020 fires in Oregon?
Please call 911, if you are experiencing a fire, evacuation, smoke, medical, or other type of safety emergency.

If you are unable to wait for a response from us, please contact 211 for information and referrals.

Thank you for contacting us here at Boop Troop Eugene.   During the emergency the West Coast is facing in regard to wildfires, we are using the reach of our media outlet to help those who are in need in these trying times. Although our team is doing our best, there will be some requests that with which we will be unable to help. If, for any reason, we are unable to help facilitate meeting your needs, we will contact you to let you know and refer you to programs that may be able to help.  Please feel welcome to contact us again in the future if your needs change, or if other programs are still unable to help.

We are focusing first on those needing assistance related to the fires; thank you for understanding our prioritization.

We care about our community. We want to give every person asking for assistance a generous consideration as to how best they can be helped. This may mean that responses may not come as quickly as we would like. But we will respond to every message as quickly as we are able. Sometimes this might be in the order of urgency, other times in the order we receive them.

Please reply with your contact information, and fill out the rest of this form with the requested information, if you are requesting assistance for yourself or someone else, so that we can determine the best way in which we can help you. 

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Please include your first and last name: *
Please provide us with contact information through which we can reach you or someone with direct knowledge of your situation: (phone number, Signal number, Google Voice, Facebook Messenger, etc) *
What time of day is the best for us to reach you? *
In what city and county are you currently located? *
What is the address or location at which you were staying during evacuation? *
Have you reached out to other programs for aid, and if you have which programs have you reached out to and what aid have you received? *
Please explain ways that we can assist you.  (We will also discuss this when we talk further, but having an idea of needs allows us to review our capabilities before initially reaching out. And being able to find other programs that may be able to assist you if we are unable prior to that call.) *
If you are not looking for temporary housing, please feel free to skip this question. If you are looking to be temporarily housed, please provide details about how many adults, how many children over the age of one, and how many children under the age of one are needing to be housed.   If you have pets please  include details about them as well.  (Ex: 2 Adults, 4 kids over one, 1 child under one.  1 dog, 1 turtle.  Total: 2 adults, 5 children,  1 dog, 1 turtle.)
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