'I Am Carson River Watershed' Pledge
Thanks for participating in the Watershed Moments initiative as part of the  'I Am Carson River Watershed' campaign. Your Actions Matter!

The Carson River is listed as impaired under Nevada Department of Environmental Protection's Water Quality Integrated Report. By engaging in any or all of the actions below, you are helping restore the health of the Carson River Watershed. Thank you for doing your part part.

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After watching the iamcarsonriver.org videos highlighting our wonderful watershed - and ways to protect it! - select any of the everyday actions you will take to keep our watershed and our waters healthy:
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Please enter your Facebook account here if you are comfortable with us tagging you about your much appreciated participation in the campaign:
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Your Instagram Account
Please enter your Instagram account here if you are comfortable with us tagging you about your much appreciated participation in the campaign:
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So we can get an idea of the representation of the watershed's population, please enter your zip code here.
So we can get an idea of the representation of respondent ages, please check your age range below.
Any questions or comments? We'd love to know what you learned after watching the 'I Am Carson River Watershed' campaign videos? Please share below:
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Along with CWSD, this campaign is funded by a Clean Water Act 319(h) grant administered by from the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP). Through its Nonpoint Source Program (NPS), NDEP preserves and enhances surface waters of the State by employing watershed planning and public outreach.  
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