TCC Spring 2024 Retreat Registration
Thank you for your interest in joining us for the Spring Retreat! Please fill out this form with your information.

The bus will leave from W11 at 7:30 pm on Friday, February 16th and will return at noon on Sunday, February 18th. The retreat is free!

Please let us know ASAP if something comes up and you can no longer make it to the retreat.

Contact Fr. Michael Medas at if you have any questions.
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Name *
MIT Email *
Phone Number *
Class Year *
Are you an MIT student? *
Will you be taking the bus from MIT? *
I confirm that if I am no longer able to attend the retreat for any reason, I will email Fr. Michael ASAP. *
Please list any food allergies you have:
Who would you like your roommate to be? The rule is undergrads room with undergrad, and grad students room with grad students; undergrads and grads can't room together. If you don't know anyone, we are happy to match you with someone! *
How did you find out about the retreat? We'd love to be able to get the word out to more students! *
Comments, questions, concerns?
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