Educational Scholarship Application
Individuals seeking funds for varied educational opportunities should complete this form.

The provided information will be used to generate a document that Presbytery of Lake Michigan leaders will review to determine if funds are available to support your opportunity.

If you do not receive a response within four weeks, please contact the presbytery's office manager at (269) 381-6337 ext. 3 or
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Street Address, City, State and Zip Code *
Email *
Telephone *
Church Name *
City the church is located in *
Leadership role(s) in local church
Event *
Sponsored by *
Dates *
What classes/workshops will you attend?
How could these classes/workshops be used in your church and in the Presbytery to fulfill the Presbytery of Lake Michigan’s priorities, goals and core values?
Itemized cost of this opportunity *
Total Cost
Amount requested *
Have you requested funds from your local church?
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How much will you receive from your local church?
Have you requested funds from other sources?
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How much will you receive from other sources?
In accepting this scholarship, I would be willing to share what I have learned with others in the Presbytery. *
Signed *
Sign your name below by typing in your name.
Date *
Enter today's date or date of application
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