No Stress Midwest Brand Ambassador Application
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Email *
Name *
When is your birthday? *
What grade are you currently in/What College or Pro level? *
How did you hear about becoming a No Stress Midwest Brand Ambassador? *
What school do you attend/What pro team do you play for?
What social media platforms do you primarily use? (Check all that apply) *
Which social media platform do you feel gets the most interaction? *
How many followers do you have on your top 2 platforms? *
What is your average "likes" per post on your top 2 platforms? *
What is your average "views" per story/post on your top 2 platforms? *
How often do you feel comfortable posting No Stress Midwest content to your social media pages (per month) *
Why do you want to be a brand ambassador for No Stress Midwest? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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