AAJA LGBTQ+ Programming Survey
Hi! We want to hear more from our members about the type of events they want to see for the rest of this year and into 2024. Please feel free to leave us your feedback, thoughts and concerns below!
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Email *
What is your name?
Which type of event are you more likely to attend? *
What types of programming would you like to see? *
Please choose which of these types of programming offers you'd like to see in order of importance to you.
Professional mixers or networking opportunities
Educational workshops (ie. safety tips or how to cover lgbtq communities)
Panels, Q&A's, or discussions with industry professionals
Grants, scholarships for journalists
Casual hangs and get-togethers
Informal co-working sessions
1st priority
2nd priority
3rd priority
4th priority
5th priority
6th priority
What types of skills can you volunteer towards events and organizing LGBTQ AAJA? *
What other feedback do you have for us?
Do you want to be added to our monthly newsletter? (We won't spam you I promise!) *
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