Project ReCharge Master Teacher Application
Please answer these questions to share why you are interested in being a Project ReCharge Master Teacher. We will review applicants and announce recipients in May at the Year End Recognition Event. We are able to have 4 new teachers join us this year.
Thank you for your interest!
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Name (first and last)
School, grade level, and subject that you teach?
Have you read through the Master Teacher requirements at each level? (found on the website)
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Are you willing to commit to the extra hours and acitvities that being a Master Teacher requires?                    (Tasks such as reviewing and piloting lessons, instructing professional development sessions and collaborating with other Master Teachers)                                                        
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What year did you complete the Project ReCharge professional learning?
Why do you want to be a Master Teacher with Project ReCharge?
Are you able to continue teaching Project ReCharge lessons in your classroom?
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What is your favorite Project ReCharge lesson to teach and why?
Thank you so much for all that you do as a teacher and for the extra work that you put into making Project ReCharge a great program! It only works because of amazing teachers such as yourself
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