Final Portfolio Evaluation
Please use this rubric to guide your evaluation of the student portfolios that you have been supplied. You MUST answer all required questions (i.e. those with a red asterisk). If the question is not required AND the student includes no samples that allow you to evaluate the her/him in this area, then please skip the question.

You will need to complete a separate evaluation for each portfolio.

Make sure to click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the evaluation when you have finished.
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Your LAST Name *
Your FIRST Name *
Your area(s) of expertise. (Check All That Apply) *
We try to match our student's portfolios with someone that has a professional background similar to the student's professional plans and goals so you response to this question helps us ensure that we've matched you and the student appropriately.
Student's LAST Name *
Student's FIRST Name *
Portfolio Appearance *
Consider whether the portfolio, taken as a whole, looks professional and to what degree it demonstrates a comprehension of visual presentation.
Needs Substantial Improvement
Portfolio Organization & Contents *
Consider whether the portfolio is well-organized, and whether it contains an adequate range of samples with appropriate descriptions.
Needs Substantial Improvement
Resumé *
Consider whether the resumé is well-organized, well-written, and how it presents the student as an aspiring professional.
Needs Substantial Improvement
Writing Samples
Consider whether the portfolio contains an adequate number and variety of writing samples that demonstrate the student's ability to write in various styles and for different audiences. Also, consider the quality of those samples based on the rules of grammar, punctuation, and clarity.
Needs Substantial Improvement
Clear selection
Critical Thinking
Consider how the portfolio, taken as a whole, demonstrates the student's capacity to analyze and evaluate issues in order to form judgments and communicate them.
Needs Substantial Improvement
Clear selection
Audio-Visual Samples
Consider whether the portfolio contains an adequate number and variety of audio-visual samples, and to what degree the samples demonstrate the student's abilities to use professional tools and technologies. Also, consider the quality of these samples based on the rules and conventions of the medium for which they were created.
Needs Substantial Improvement
Clear selection
Creative Thinking
Consider whether the portfolio, taken as a whole, demonstrates the student's originality and creativity.
Needs Substantial Improvement
Clear selection
Research Abilities
Consider whether the portfolio, taken as a whole, demonstrates the student's ability to perform adequate research to inform her/her work as a communication professional.
Needs Substantial Improvement
Clear selection
Please take a moment and identify 2-3 specific strengths of this portfolio. *
Please take a moment and identify 2-3 specific ways that this portfolio could be improved. *
If your organization had an available position, then would this portfolio be likely to garner the student serious consideration for that job? *
If you were to give the student a grade based only on this portfolio, then what grade would you award the student? *
Additional Comments
Please use this space to provide any additional comments or context for your evaluation.
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