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Volunteer for Richard Chasm 4HD4
Volunteers are the core of Richard's campaign for Oregon House District 4. Your help can make the difference. Thank you for volunteering.
Please fill out the info below and someone will get back with you.
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First Name
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Phone number
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Do you get texts at this number?
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I am able to make voter contacts by doing virtual phone banking? You can do it at home (or anywhere), from you phone or device, anytime. You will be given everything you need to be successful in identifying voters for Richard Chasm.
Maybe (with some training)
We need volunteers to do a variety of things right now. If you have other skills that those listed and you would like to use them to get Richard Chasm elected, just let us know.
Campaign Coordination
Organizing an Online Event for friends, family, neighbors +
Organizing an In Person Event-Meeting n Greet
Send a letter to the Editor about why you support Richard Chasm 4 HD 4
Be a Social Media Canvasser /Influencer for Kevin
Art, Graphic design,
Door to Door Canvasing
Talking to Neighbors, Friends, Family
Making phone calls
Creating vidoes, online live events, or helping with Youtube channel
I will display a lawn sign (this will be before Nov election starting in August
I can also make a donations
Not right now
If you can donate, here is a link to do that too. Thank you!
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If you can donate money to the campaign, here is link where you can go to do that too:
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