Human Services Committee Interest Form
Hello! Thank you so much for your interest in joining and collaborating with the Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council newly reinstated Human Services Committee. Pamela Harris and Sarah Manuel are delighted to meet you and work with you as we develop programming, coordinate efforts with other organizations and empower our community both housed and unhoused neighbors. Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have additional thoughts, questions or concerns, please email both Pamela and Sarah @ and
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Why do you want to be on the Human Services Committee? And how much time are you willing to commit?
What is your vision for the Human Services Committee?
What topics of interest do you want the Committee to cover?
What skills would you like contribute to the Committee and what duty would you like to participate in? (Ie. Become a project lead for a committee program, if so, what topic of interest?
Are you available at 6:30pm on the first Monday of every month starting, August 1st, 2022? Please keep in mind potential travel to the Sherman Oaks Library.
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