SASA x STSA x SFSA - Financial Literacy Week

🌟 Join SASA, STSA, and SFSA for our Financial Literacy Week! 🌟

Unlock the secrets to financial success and empower yourself with knowledge at our exclusive Financial Literacy Week event. From February 27th to February 29th, we are bringing together experienced speakers to delve into the world of investing, tax filing, and how to plan for your financial future.


Investing 101

Date - Feb. 27th

Time - 6-7:30pm

Location: Nideyinan 180 (former UC)

Tax Filing Basics

Date - Feb. 28th

Time - 6-7:30pm

Location: Nideyinan 282 (former UC)

Planning For Your Future

Date - Feb. 29th

Time - 6-7:30pm

Location: Nideyinan 282 (former UC)

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