Cal's zine order form
I'm not savvy enough to make an online store, but here is a small but growing list of zines I have that you can order. Pictures and more details about contents can be found on my website (which is probably how you got to this form in the first place.) 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Title of zine(s) you'd like to purchase: *
Name & Shipping address 
(tell me where and who to send it to!)
(shipping only in the US for now, sry)
Sliding Scale Payment & Links
Zines are $10-20 apiece. Sliding scale, you decide what you can afford.
Please add $5 for shipping costs.

You can submit your payment using my personal PayPal link, or via Venmo where I'm @callmangs. I will send you a receipt within 24hrs of your payment, along with a confirmation email once your zines have shipped. 

As always, thank you for your support of me and my work.

xo Cal
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