South West Makers 

South West Makers are planning for the future and want to hear from you about what’s working, what could change and what you’d like South West Makers and Glyph Gallery & Creative Space to be in the future. 

Please share your feedback via the survey below. It should take about 5-10 minutes. All survey responses are anonymous and will go in the draw to win a $100 voucher to redeem at Glyph Gallery!

Thank you for your time. This survey will close at 5pm on Thursday 1 August.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more

1. Tell us ways that you are involved with South West Makers? (please tick all that apply)


2. How many hours do you put in to South West Makers / Glyph Gallery & Creative Space per month

3. Tell us what motivates you to be involved with South West Makers? Please tick all that apply or if something is missing, please write in the ‘other’ box.
4.  Is there anything that isn’t working or is not valuable to you as a member or subscriber?
5. If you are a member, will you retain your South West Makers / Glyph Gallery & Creative Space membership? *
6. If you’re not renewing your membership, can you please tell us why?

7. What do you think South West Makers is doing well? Please rate the following activities.

Not sure/NA
Not very well
Very well
Extremely well
Hosting exhibitions
Running the gallery and shop
Coordinating events
Coordinating workshops
Attracting members
Attracting funding/grants
Building or fostering local arts community
Supporting a regional arts network
Being an inclusive network
Showcasing local creative practice to vistors/tourists

8. What would improve, change or add something to South West Makers / Glyph Gallery and Creative Space?


9. What should South West Makers focus on in the next 3-5 years?

10. Dream big: what is your vision for South West Makers?
12. Please tell us about yourself.

I am:
13. I am: *
14. Where are you located? *
15. Do you have any other suggestions or comments?
16. Your email address. (This remains anonymous) *
Thank you! We appreciate your time and your feedback.
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