1/23/22 Bible Study and Mass
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What is a Council? *
1 point
What is a Synod? *
1 point
The Council of Trent took place in *
1 point
The Council of Trent started a reform of the Catholic church. What does "reform" mean? *
1 point
The Council of Trent was a response to the attacks on the church from former Catholics known as: *
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The word "doctrine" means: *
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The Council of Trent said that Catholics should pray to and worship paintings and statues. *
1 point
Paintings and other forms of art, like statues, help us remember and meditate on the mysteries of our faith. *
1 point
One advantage of Sacred Art is that it *
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Sacred Art can *
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Saint Luke was a personal friend of Jesus. *
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Saint Luke had to investigate and confirm that he had the correct information about Jesus' story because he wanted to help people feel sure that they had reliable information. *
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In today's Gospel, Jesus *
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In today's Gospel. Jesus reveals he is here for the powerful and not the poor. *
1 point
Fr. JT focused on one part of today's Gospel above all. He focused on: *
1 point
Fr. JT asked us to be ____________ *
1 point
Fr. JT told the story of a sixteen year old girl named April, that attended Mass with her family. He said that during Mass, April: *
1 point
Fr. JT said Jesus just wants you to: *
1 point
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