RBC Grant Application
Organizations requesting funds from Reston Bicycle Club must complete this form in its entirety.  Requests will be evaluated by the Executive Committee. The Committee reserves the right to act upon a written request or ask the proposing party to attend an executive committee meeting to provide more information.
Click "Submit" (bottom right) when finished.
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1. RBC Member Contact Info (All applications must have a referral from a current RBC member) *
2. Name, E-mail, Phone of person requesting grant *
3. Name of organization requesting grant and mailing address *
4. Title of person requesting grant on behalf of organization *
5. Please give a short description of your organization and its connection to biking (250 words) *
6. Does the organization have a prior relationship with Reston Bike Club? *
7. What specifically will the grant funds be used for? *
8. Please describe the larger mission of your organization (if any). If the purpose for your organization is to promote bicycling, you may leave this blank. (250 words) *
9. What is your organization’s overall budget -- not just for the program this grant would support. *
10. How much are you requesting from RBC? *
If Other, please enter below
11. Do you have a time deadline by which you need the money in hand? *
12. Is there anything else you would like us to know about your organization or program in respect to bicycling?  (250 words) *
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