COVID-19 volunteer opportunities in New York City area
Hello fellow scientists,

The coordination team at the COVID-19 National Scientist Volunteer Database wants to bring to your attention an opportunity to help in the fight against COVID-19 in the New York City area. Mirimus Inc (see is looking for field volunteers to visit local high schools as support staff for saliva testing and specimen collection for COVID-19 surveillance.

Mirimus Inc is a biotech company located in Brooklyn, NY that has opened a COVID-19 Clinical Testing Lab where their SalivaClear platform ( is used for large-scale COVID-19 surveillance monitoring. They are currently testing students at Hunter High School and Bishop-Laughlin High School weekly and are planning to expand to other high schools in the NYC area. The company is seeking volunteers who can help with expanding on-site sample collection, remote supply chain management, and/or sample transportation to the Brooklyn lab.

Because Mirimus is a private company, we are NOT sharing our full database containing your contact information with them. Rather, we are allowing you to opt-in to having your information (name and email) shared with them by submitting answers to the questions below. These answers will be shared directly with Mirimus and the COVID-19 National Scientist Volunteer Database coordination team as we look to address the growing need for skilled scientists in this area.

If you are interested in becoming a Mirimus field volunteer, please answer the following questions below and a coordinator will reach out to you with more information.

Any questions about this opportunity should be directed to Dr. Nadia Khan at or Dr. Prem Premsrirut at

--COVID-19 National Scientist Volunteer Database coordination team

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