Representations - Student Researchers
"Representations" is a publication designed to highlight the vital contributions of Black anthropologists, Indigenous anthropologists, and anthropologists of color. This publication will be turned in a new anthropology textbook that highlights untold stories of anthropology.

We are seeking a team of student researchers to continue developing this publication throughout Summer 2021 and Fall 2021. All candidates should be committed to racial equity in education. A background in anthropology is helpful but not required.

No previous experience is necessary - we are seeking students with a passion for this type of work.

Hours will be flexible as researchers will work independently.

Student researchers will receive training in anti-racist scholarship and writing. Student researchers will spend Summer 2021 and/or Fall 2021 working closely with faculty to research and write 1-page biographies that highlight the work of anthropologists who are historically under-recognized in our field. We will offer a small stipend for your work (more details to come).

For more details:

Please see our original publication here:

Please see our call for submissions here:

If you are interested in being a student researcher for this project, please answer the below questions.

This application is closes on June 10th.

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What is your name (first and last)? *
What is your email address? *
Who nominated you for this position? (Who sent you the link to this form?) *
We have a small amount of funding for this project. How much do you need to be compensated (per hour) in order to complete this work? *
About how many hours of research could you contribute to this project? (We're seeking a minimum of 3 hours and and maximum of 15 hours in total).   *
When would you be available to do this research?  (select all that apply) *
Why are you interested in being a student researcher for "Representations"?   *
Which article on "Representations" is your favorite so far and why? (You can access the publication here: *
Please note: This project is part of an OER (Open Education Research) textbook development project. That means that your research will NOT be protected under copyright. The research that you contribute will be added into a new textbook that will be offered free to anthropology students across the country. You cannot receive any payment beyond your initial wages, but you will always be credited as an author.  Are you okay with this arrangement? *
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