Sartell-St. Stephen ISD 748: Transportation CHANGE REQUEST
PLEASE NOTE: Only one pickup and one drop off point is permitted for each student.
  • Transportation services will be provided for students who attend a daycare facility located within their designated school attendance area.
  • Please allow five (5) business days for any bussing change/add requests during the school year. The Transportation Office will notify parent/guardian when arrangements have been made and are effective.
  • Students are not allowed to get on or off the bus at a location other than the one they have been assigned even if it is on the same route.
Questions? Please contact the Transportation Office via phone 320-251-1202. Thank you!
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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
School Attending *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Requested Transportation Effective Date *
Transportation TO school from: *
Street Address - Transportation TO school from: *
Apt# or Business Name (if Daycare is selected)
City *
Transportation FROM school to: *
Street Address - Transportation FROM school to: *
Apt# or Business Name (if Daycare is selected)
Primary Phone
Additional information (if needed)
Parent/Guardian Signature - please initial *
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