Let all who are hungry come and eat!
Passover is just around the corner! We have a variety of ways for you to celebrate the holiday, including community seders on the first and second night, seder plates to help host your own experience, and more.
In partnership with Stanford Dining, there will be kosher for Passover meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner served out of Hillel throughout the entire holiday, so stop by and enjoy a meal with us! All our events are free and open to all students.
Admitted Students and Families: Welcome to Stanford! We are so excited you'll be joining us for Passover. Stanford has committed to providing Kosher for Passover food for visiting admits and their families. If you have any questions about Jewish life at Stanford or Passover/Shabbat needs while you're visiting, please reach out to hillelatstanford@stanford.edu.
Thank you for your RSVP below!