Nice to meet you!
We are happy that you are interested in working with us. We are 22tribes, a remote friendly team of digital marketing specialists all around the world.

We care for our clients and we care for our team of professionals like you. It's important for us to establish long-term relationships that not only make our clients happy but also create valuable experiences for you as a freelance professional and for us as an agency.

Since we cannot always plan when the next projects will start, we would like to build our team step by step to be ready together when the next briefing arrives.

We are happy to learn more about you.

Let's do great things together!

"Great things in business are never done by one person; they're done by a team of people." – Steve Jobs

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Phone / whatsapp number
Your current job (fully employed, freelancer, business owner, student) and area of expertise (e.g. SEO, PPC, design)
LinkedIn profile
Where are you based?
Where did you find us?
What motivated you to contact us?
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