ARC Signup Form
This form is the express your interest in being part of an ARC team.  What's an ARC team?  Well, ARC stands for "Advance Reader Copy" and is a common practice in the publishing world to spark interest in new books by allowing readers early access and opportunities to review.

I am looking for a handful of avid readers and fans of my books who would like to get early copies of the book to review.  Please understand the following:

Review copies will be limited
Review copies are for your eyes only and content is not to be shared publicly in any way
There is no financial compensation for reviews
I will contact you if you are selected to receive a copy
If selected, you will receive your via Kindle, or my email in epub or mobi editions

If interested fill out the form below.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Kindle Address
ADD APPROVED SENDER.  Please insure to add my email as an approved sender.  Below you Kindle email you'll find a section labeled "Approved Personal Document Email List."  Click "Add a New Approved Email Address" an my email *
How often do you read Paranormal Fantasy? *
How often do you read Erotica? *
How often do you read LGBTQ+ fiction? *
What was the last Paranormal book you read? *
What is your favorite Paranormal or Fantasy movie? *
How do you feel about explicit sexual or violent scenes within books and/or films? *
Do you write reviews? *
If you are chosen to receive an ARC, are you willing to write a review on Amazon and Goodreads? *
Where do you like to review? *
Which of MJ Spickett's books have you read?  (This will not impact whether or not you're chosen.) *
Which upcoming MJ Spickett fantasy series are you most interested in receiving an ARC from? *
I understand review copies are limited.  Review copies are for my eyes only and content is not to be shared publicly in any way.  I understand there is no financial compensation for reviews. *
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