TeachMeet Speaker Application Form
Ednorth is looking for teaching practitioners of all levels and speaking experience to share their practice with colleagues from across the North. 

The TeachMeets aren’t a conference or a webinar. This is an online space where school staff can share their practices with colleagues. This means we don’t need a presentation from you and there isn’t major preparation. We just want you to join in a discussion with colleagues about what is going on in your specific context.

There are “no silver bullets” in education and there are no definite answers to schools' individual challenges. However, we believe that the most important element is what is happening within our classrooms, delivered by practitioners.

By completing this form you are declaring your interest in speaking at one of our TeachMeets, this does not guarantee you a session.  

If you are willing to share with colleagues please complete this form or you can email events@schoolsnortheast.com

Apply to be a speaker today!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Job Role 
Contact Number
Twitter/X Handle
Speaker Bio
Session Title
Session Description
Target Audience 
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Approximate Session Length 
Subject Specific-   Is your session subject specific?  If so please state which subject(s)
Learning Objectives for delegates
Is there an evidence-base behind your session? Please select below
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Speaking Experience - how would you rate your level of speaking experience (1 with no experience & 5 with lots of experience)
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What other Schools North East Events would you be interested in speaking at?
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Where did you hear about the event and the speaking opportunity?
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