The Culinary Saijiki: Holidays Submission Form
One of the aspects integral to my work on The Culinary Saijiki is the way food connects with civic and religious holidays. While I have collected a number of food-focused haiku and senryu with a holiday connection, what I have come across in my individual reading does not reflect the breadth of world holidays and their associated culinary traditions. With that in mind, I am seeking holiday-related food haiku and senryu from haijin around the world.

For more details on the project, including the original blog and podcast, visit

  1. Haiku and senryu in one, two, or three lines are welcome.
  2. Haiku and senryu must connect to both a holiday and foods consumed and prepared for that holiday.
  3. I welcome haiku and senryu in languages other than English. If possible, please provide an English translation.
  4. If someone other than you translated your work into English, please credit them in your submission.
  5. Please fill out the form once per haiku/senryu.
  6. There is currently no limit on the number of times you can submit.
  7. Previously published haiku and senryu are welcome; please remember to credit the prior publication.
  8. I have not yet set a publication date for The Culinary Saijiki manuscript. I am currently aiming for late 2025, but this is subject to change.
  9. There is currently no submission deadline; haiku and senryu are accepted on a rolling basis.
  10. Submission does not guarantee publication; I will let you know if your work has been selected for inclusion, and return unselected poems to you.
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Type your haiku/senryu here. If there is a translated version, please include both the original and the translation in this box. (One haiku per form. If you have more to submit, fill out the form multiple times.)
If there is anything you would like for me to know about the holiday, food, or other relevant aspects of your haiku, please use this space.
Has this haiku been previously published?
If previously published, please list the publication name and approximate date.
If this work is translated, are you the translator?
If this is a translated work and you are not the translator, please credit the translator here.
By checking this box, I verify that I understand the guidelines established at the top of this form. I also understand that if I have questions, I am welcome to email
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