New Party Chef Review
Please answer anything applicable to the party that was worked.
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What is the new party chef's name that you trained? *
What is your name (Trainer)? *
What is the name and date of the party you worked? *
How did the new party chef do at the following: *
Needs more training
Satisfactory with second chef
Good to do solo
Not applicable
Reviewed party information on or Google Drive
Checking out food at SHOP
Has a thermometer
Setting up and organizing kitchen
Lighting stoves and making sure equipment is in working order
Making sure they have everything needed for service
Communicating with the captain any concerns or needs
Counting plates and plate covers
Plating salads
Plating entrees
Passing hors d'oeuvres
Preparing and filling buffet or stations
Keeping buffet or stations filled
Packing up and organizing kitchen
Filling out inventory and chefs report
Any additional comments?
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