Claude Pro - Submit Interest
We're glad you're enjoying Claude! Tell us a bit more about your needs and how we can better serve you. We will reach out when a premium version of Claude is ready for you to try.
What is your email address?  *
What is your name?  *
What do you primarily use Claude for?
Which of these chat products have you used before, or currently use? Please select all that apply.
Which of these chat products have you paid for before? Please select all that apply.
What are the top reasons you prefer Claude over similar apps? Please select up to 2 options.
How likely is it that you would pay for a premium version of Claude with more messages/month, better uptime, and more features at $50/month?
Extremely unlikely
Extremely likely
How do you use Claude today? Select all that apply.
[Optional] What other tasks do you wish Claude could help you with?
What's your age bracket? *
Would you be willing to receive additional surveys or requests for short (compensated) interviews? Your feedback is crucial for us as we improve Claude. 
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