This survey is launched in the framework of AToM project, addressed to European archives with migration holdings. 

The survey will be launched on the 2nd of June 2023 and be opened until the 14th of July 2023.

A report with main results will be published in AToM website by November 2023.

You should read the following dossier before answering the survey: Migration Collection Dossier


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Archival Institution name *
Email *
Country *
City *
Legal Structure  *
Do you have any different branches/archives under your responsibility?

Is collecting migration materials part of your mission?


Significance of migration in the context of your country

Please,  name the main archival holdings related with migration in your Institution.  (Please if possible, insert links to the resources, descriptions, finding aids, etc.) *
Time period covered by these fonds/collections
Access regulations to these fonds/collections
Linear meters of these fonds/collections *
Number of annual user queries to these fonds/collections *
Profile of users *
Does your institution collaborate with migrant organisations or individuals? *
Do you have any specific webportal for any of these archival holdings?
If you have answeres "yes" in the previous question, please, write down the name of the webportal/s. *
How would you define a migration fond/collection in the archival context?

Help us completing our glossary. Choose the ones that matches with your context 

See Glossary of Terms

Please could you add another terms with a brief definition/explanation?

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