Pre-order your Sylius elePHPants
For companies only! (or if you plan to order 50 or more)


VAT is excluded in all prices.

Pricing is as follow : 1000 € per carton of 50 small elePHPants.
It means you'll have at least a discount of 20% off the public price!

Big ones are also available if we reach a certain amount of small elePHPants.
A Big Sylius elePHPant is available at 125 € per unit, VAT excluded, instead of 150€ public price.

Shipping price is not included. We will contact you as soon as possible to give you an estimation of the shipping fees, you will be asked to confirm your order at this point.


We will invoice you just before we place the order to the factory. We need to reach at least 900 plushies in pre-order and/or during the public Kickstarter campaign.

A pre-payment of 40% of your invoice will be due as soon as we emit the invoice to secure your order.
We will ask you to pay the missing 60% when the elePHPants arrive in our warehouse in Paris, just before shipping them to you.

Who are we?

A french web agency working on Sylius since 2018!

Monsieur Biz SAS is a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 50,000 €.
Registered at French Trade Register (RCS) in Paris under the number RCS Paris B 797 743 952.
Its headquarters is located at 148 rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010 Paris, France.
VAT number: FR 47 797 743 952
The publication director is Jacques Bodin-Hullin.

You can contact us at
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