Calendar Event Submission Form
Hey Selah, do you have a community event coming up? We want to hear from you!  If your event fits with in our mission or vision, and is approved by the board of directors, we will add your event to our calendar, and share it on social media.

The Selah Downtown Association’s mission is to cultivate strong partnerships by promoting our Historic Downtown as the community’s economic and cultural center.

The Selah Downtown Association’s vision for the future of our historic district supports a community with enriched locally owned and operated businesses that embrace a spirit of diversity. Streets and sidewalks surrounding these businesses will be safe, encouraging a variety of pedestrian activities.  The heart of Selah will be full of eye-catching appeal such as artwork, greenery and updated storefronts, cultivating a sense of community while preserving our history.

We will accomplish our vision by following the Mainstreet approach with volunteers, partnerships and city involvement.  Providing education and grants to support and promote our local businesses will in turn revitalize the look and feel of the downtown district.

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Email *
Person completing this form *
Phone Number *
Name of organization *
Explain the nature of your organization *
Activity Date *
Activity Time *
Activity Location *
Explain the nature of the event, and how you see your event tying into our mission and vision statements listed above. *
Who can we list as a contact (Name, phone number, email address) if a community member has questions about your event? *
I understand that by completing this form, it does not constitute a commitment to add your event to the SDA Calendar, and approval is at the discretion of the SDA Board of Directors. *
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