Afro Caribbean Farmers' Market - APPLICATION 2024 -  Season 4
Little Jamaica - SUNDAYS
Contact Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Farm/Business Name *
Instagram Handle: (Purveyors must have an Instagram account in order to participate.  Our partners must be able to tag all Purveyors to help with advertising)
Are you a *
Are you a returning market purveyor *
Do you sell at other farmers' markets? *
If 'yes' which one(s)
What will you be selling *
How do you plan on animating your selling area? What is your marketing strategy for getting customers to your booth? *
***Prepared Meals at the Market
Selling prepared meals at the market, as an added feature is a weekly total cost of $60, this is not additional to the vendor fee in your category. You must have your food handlers certificate displayed at your stall.  If meals are prepared off site, a certified commercial kitchen inspect sheet must be present.  Market Manager will give final approve of this addition.
Please choose the days that you would like to sell at the Afro-Caribbean Farmer's Market. Indicate with a check beside each day, a minimum of 3 days is required. ***The Afro Caribbean Farmers' Market will have new hours this season: 11am to 5pm *
Vendor Fees
Perishables -                   $45 per day
Food Artisans -               $50 per day
Craft Artisans -               $55 per day
Prepared Meals-             $60 per day
Local Farmers -              No Charge
Corporate -                      $100
Non/Not-For-Profit-        $25 (this is for information distribution/collection ONLY)
Vendor Approval
Approval of all vendors to the Afro-Caribbean Farmers' Market (ACFM) is the responsibility of the ACFM Market Manager.  An invitation email will be sent by the Market Manager ONLY if your application is chosen. A Vendor Guideline document will accompany an email after the invitation.  A formal Market Purveyor agreement and payment schedule will be sent upon approval.  ***PLEASE DO NOT SEND MONEY WITH THIS APPLICATION
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