Ready, Set, Play! Inquiry Form
Admissions Process - For RSP Playgroups

1. 30 minute screening ($150 non-refundable screening fee cash/check) with child and caregiver. Can be scheduled weekdays between 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM.

2. Parent will complete RSP application and submit via email to

3. Staff will review application and follow-up with parent to answer any additional questions and advise if an appropriate group is available now or if their child will be placed on a waiting list.

For All Other Services 

Please complete inquiry form and an RSP staff member will be in touch within 2 business days.

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Email *
Services interested in: *
Child's Name *
Child's Date of Birth
Child's Age *
Child's School
Parent/Guardian Name(s) *
Parent's Phone *
Parent's Email *
How did you hear about us? *
Playgroup Availability (check all that apply) *
Availability for Playgroup Screening (M-F 3:00PM - 4:30PM) *
Any additional information
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